The majority of the Downtown Jamaica Partnership’s budget comes from an annual assessment levied upon owners of taxable real property within the Downtown Jamaica Partnership’s District boundaries. All properties and tenant businesses and cultural organizations falling within our boundaries benefit from our services, but in order to vote on business matters pertaining to our organization (selection of Board of Directors, approval of annual budget, etc.), an eligible members must first become a “Registered Member”.
It’s simple to become a registered member.
BID Members
Check back for additional details on becoming a Registered Member.
Each year, the Partnership members (registered and unregistered), BID businesses, and members of the general community are invited to the Downtown Jamaica Partnership’s Annual Meeting to discuss the current state of the district, receive a financial and programmatic update from the Partnership, and to network. Registered members can also vote on current Board members up for (re)election and any other official business requiring a vote. Notification of the meeting is sent at least a month in advance to all BID members. If you are a Registered (voting) Partnership member, you are encouraged to return your BID-provided proxy paperwork back to our organization if you are unable to attend to help us ensure quorum.
Annual Meeting
Check back for additional details on the next Annual Meeting, and registered member proxies.
Our 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in person on Thursday, June 20 at Jamaica Performing Arts Center (JPAC), located at 153-10 Jamaica Ave, Jamaica, NY 11432.
2024 Annual Meeting Packet - Coming Soon
Notice of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Sutphin Boulevard District Management Association, Inc. - Coming Soon
Minutes from the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Sutphin Boulevard District Management Association, Inc. - Coming Soon
2024 Annual Meeting
You can view the recording of the 2023 Annual Meeting here. - Coming Soon
Check back for additional details.