2024 Annual Meeting Registration Form

The Sutphin Boulevard District Management Association, Inc. (“Downtown Jamaica Partnership BID”) is a nonprofit organization working to enhance and promote the commercial district of Downtown Jamaica, which includes Sutphin Boulevard from Hillside Avenue to 94th Avenue; Jamaica Avenue from the west side of 169th St. to the west side of Sutphin Boulevard, Union Hall street from Jamaica to Archer Avenues; and the pedestrian mall on 165th Street between Jamaica Avenue 89th Avenue. Owners of record of real property, business owners or tenants and residents within this District are eligible for membership in the Downtown Jamaica Partnership BID. For district boundaries, visit downtownjamaica.org/bid-map

Visit Here for a Digital Proxy Form

Only Registered Members may vote on official BID business at the Annual Meeting.

To Apply as a Registered Member: Fill out the Registration Form Below